Meeting 119 (14 Jan 2021)
2020-12 C++ committee mailing
Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
Not strictly C++ related, but fascinating nevertheless, and also topical.
Why Another C++ (And More™) Conference?
CoSy - Computing Systems Technology Conference
CoSy (pronounced like “cozy”) is a Systems Programming Conference:
- Broad scope (C++, C, Rust, Zig, FORTH, Nim, OCaml etc.)
- Double-blind submission reviews
Of course, it’s not always possible to double-blind everything! If someone writes a submission about how they wrote a Great Book On Large Scale Software Architecture That’s Really Good And Helps You Modularize And Structure Large Software And The Sequel Is Out You Should Buy It Now, they have vastly reduced the pool of people they could be talking about.
- Escaping the Crushing Despair (case in point: CppLang Slack)
A Small Open Source Game In C++
That tongue animation :-)
Graphics Library for simple 2D games
is::Engine - C++ SFML game engine
Interactive C++ with Cling
Calendar and Time-Zones in C++20: Time of Day
FTL - A functional template library for containers processing in C++
FTL is a C++17-based library that provides a more convenient API for collections processing. The API is heavily inspired by the Rust programming language.
1const auto totalVolume = cityTrees.iter()
2 .filter([](const auto &tree) { return tree.kind == Tree::Oak
3 && tree.diameter > 25; })
4 .map([](const auto &tree) { return tree.volume(); })
5 .sum();
Compiling C/C++ on Apple M1
Linux developer going Windows
BinOpt — A Library for Self-guided Runtime Binary Optimization
- GitHub (LGPLv2.1+)