Meeting 118 (7 Jan 2021)
Firsts in 2020 (or, A little dose of good news)
C++20 ISO standard published
C++ at the end of 2020
B. Stroustrup on The Continuing Evolution of C++
No Diagnostic Required podcast from JetBrains
Concepts appreciation thread
C++ executors
Do you use C++ in your day job? If so, what did it take to get there?
Easily currying functions in C++
1// Existing, non-curried function
2auto f(int a, int b, int c) noexcept -> int {
3 return a * b * c;
6auto g = fn::curry(f); // g is the curried form of f
8int main() {
9 return g(2)(5)(10); // returns 100
C++ and passing by value
Cheerp 2.6 rc1: C++ compiled for the Web
repr: return printable value
The problem with C
Turbo Vision
A modern port of Turbo Vision 2.0, the classical framework for text-based user interfaces. Now cross-platform and with Unicode support.
Fold expressions work inside constraints
1template <template <typename> class FooT, typename... T>
2requires (... && Bar<FooT<T>>) struct Baz {};
Without fold expressions:
1template <template <typename> class FooT, typename... T>
2requires([]() {
3 std::array arr = std::array{Bar<FooT<T>>...};
4 return std::reduce(arr.begin(), arr.end(), true, std::logical_and<bool>{});
5}()) struct Baz {};
A C++20 utility for compressing string literals at compile-time to save program space. The compressed data can be decompressed at run-time through the use of a decoder that follows std::forward_iterator
1auto data = "This is my string of data"_huffman;
Taskflow 3.0.0
A General-purpose Parallel and Heterogeneous Task Programming System
Project from scratch in C++ (for beginners)
Game dev C++ vs Regular C++
Some companies are stuck on the 98 standard, may God have pity on their souls, and others have weird requirements to avoid things because a manager had an issue with them 10 years ago. =>