Meeting 5 December 2019

How can you be so certain?

Bjarne Stroustrup

We are defining a language for decades of use. A bit of humility is necessary.


Bjarne Stroustrup on Lex Fridman’s AI Podcast

Podcast page

Belfast trip reports

CLion 2019.3

A Quality-Targeted Release Focused on Performance and Some Long-Awaited Enhancements

MinGW Distro 17.0: GCC 9.2.0 and Boost 1.71.0 for Windows

I’ve maintained this distro for over 14 years, and I still don’t serve ads, sell anything, or accept donations.

Sourcetrail is now free and open-source software

When is it justified to use C++ for a project?

Reddit (1), Reddit (2)

Is it time for a rebased Boost2 that assumes C++20 as its starting point?


TL;DR: No.

Eliminating the Static Overhead of Ranges

Colby PikeReddit

Without ranges

1vector<string> child_names;
2for (auto& person : all_people) {
3    if (person.age < 14) {
4        child_names.push_back(;
5    }

With ranges

1auto children_names =
2    all_people
3    | filter([](const auto& person) { return person.age < 14; })
4    | transform([](const auto& person) { return; })
5    | to_vector;

The arrow operator


The operator-> has special semantics in the language in that, when overloaded, it reapplies itself to the result. While the rest of the operators are applied only once, operator-> will be applied by the compiler as many times as needed to get to a raw pointer and once more to access the memory referred by that pointer.

1struct A { void foo(); };
2struct B { A* operator->(); };
3struct C { B operator->(); };
4struct D { C operator->(); };
5int main() {
6    D d;
7    d->foo();

Thanks to Martin Waplington for suggesting this.



Ellen Ullman:

We build our computer (systems) the way we build our cities: over time, without a plan, on top of ruins.