Meeting 18 April 2019

C++ is doing well in the TIOBE Index

This month C++ is back at position 3, swapping places with Python. This is certainly not because Python is in decline <...> It is just that C++ is also getting more and more popular. C++ is still far away from its popularity in the beginning of this century when it had a market share of more than 15%. <...> But now that the C++11, C++14 and C++17 standards are supported by the most important C++ compilers, i.e. GCC, Clang and Visual Studio, the popularity of C++ is reviving.

Energy Efficiency across Programming Languages


  • Energy: C, Rust, C++
  • Time: C, Rust, C++
  • Memory: Pascal, Go, C, Fortran, C++, Ada, Rust

Post-Kona mailing

Select papers

Little-known C++: function-try-block

int foo() { throw std::runtime_error("oops..."); }

int main() try {
   return 0;
} catch (...) {
   return -1;
int foo() { throw std::runtime_error("oops..."); }

struct bar {
    bar() try : data(foo()) {}
    catch (std::exception const & e) { std::cout << e.what() << '\n'; }
   int data;

int main() {
   bar b;


An open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1500FPS. The work is partly supported by the Science Foundation of Shenzhen (Government grant).

Your favorite C++ code?

Microsoft SEAL

Microsoft SEAL is an easy-to-use and powerful homomorphic encryption library.

Homomorphic Encryption refers to a new type of encryption technology that allows computation to be performed directly on encrypted data, without requiring any decryption in the process. The results of the computations are encrypted, and can be revealed only by the owner of the secret key.

Little-known C++: operator auto

struct foo {
   foo(int const d) : data{d} {}
   operator auto() {return data;} // there can be only one
   operator double() {return static_cast<double>(data);}
   int data;

foo f{1};
int n = f;
double d = f;



